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The 5 Most Dangerous Mistakes When Showering


 You would think that we can’t do anything wrong with our daily shower. But we actually make almost all mistakes – here are the most common ones.

Whether in the morning to wake up or in the evening after a hard day’s work: there is probably nothing more pleasant than a nice shower after which we feel fresh and rested. But although one might think that taking a shower could be the easiest hygiene programme of the day, one can actually make some mistakes.

Be careful with these shower mistakes!

You do everything right in the shower? We have compiled the most common mistakes!

1. You shower with way too hot water

For some of us, the water in the shower can never be hot enough. But here lies a great danger for our sensitive skin: hot water rinses off a lot of the natural grease film that surrounds the skin. As a result, it loses moisture – and dries out. Especially those who already have skin problems, for example acne or rosacea, should take care not to turn the water up too hot – lukewarm water is quite sufficient.

2. You don’t wash your feet

When taking a shower the feet are automatically in the water and there is always some more from above. Who thinks that the feet get clean enough is unfortunately wrong. After all, they sweat in thickly lined shoes in winter and the soles of their feet suffer in summer on flip-flops made of plastic. And the spaces between the toes are also often forgotten when taking a shower, where, for example, athlete’s foot can easily develop. Therefore: please also clean your feet thoroughly with shower gel every time you shower!

3. You’re washing your private parts wrong

The female genital area has amazing self-healing powers and does not require much external care – yet many women overdo it. They take plenty of time to pamper the genital area with shower gel. Unfortunately, this is a fatal mistake: the vaginal environment is slightly acidic and the pH value should be between 4.5 and 5.5. This provides the vagina with ideal protection against germs and fungi. Most shower gels and normal soap have a pH value of eight to eleven. This can destroy the natural protection of the intimate area – therefore please use only intimate washing lotions!

4. Your water is too hard

Sounds strange at first, but: If the water is too hard, it can damage skin and hair in the long run. The reason: the harder the water, the more magnesium and calcium it contains – and thus lime. This can irritate the skin and deposit on the hair as a layer. Experts also suspect that hard water bleaches newly colored hair faster. A deep cleansing shampoo and a particularly gentle shower gel can help.

5. You never take a cold shower

Especially if you have problems with low blood pressure, you should take alternating showers more often – this stimulates the blood pressure. And a cold shower has even more health benefits: just 30 seconds is enough to improve your immune system and boost your metabolism. Also practical: If you finish your shower with cold water in the morning, you are guaranteed to be wide awake immediately. So have courage!

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