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HOW TO GET GIRLS WET: A Step-By-Step Guide To Making Every Woman Horny


 Most men think that getting a girl wet and making her orgasm is rocket science. After all, every woman is different, and each one has a different turn on. 

Well, let me tell you a big secret: there exist some proven ways to make a woman go crazy which work with every female.

You just have to follow each of the following steps carefully, and I promise that you will make her horny like she’s never been before.  

A Step By Step Guide To Getting Her Horny

1. Make a connection

The first thing you need to know about women before getting involved with them is that they don’t think about sex the same way men do.

For most girls, sleeping with someone is much more than the physical intercourse itself, and sex has a much deeper meaning than you might imagine.

Therefore, it doesn’t matter if a girl likes you for real—she probably won’t sleep with you on the first date because she needs to feel something more than mere physical attraction towards you to let you get into her pants.

You need to make this girl feel special around you, and she needs to consciously decide that you’re the man she should sleep with (besides just wanting it).

Well, it is your job to prove to her that you won’t use her and that you’re not only interested in sleeping with her. It is your job to seduce her mind before seducing her body.

And the best way to do it is to do your best to make a deeper connection with this girl; to form other types of intimacy besides just sexual, to show her that she can trust you and that she can be completely relaxed around you.

Don’t get me wrong—I’m not saying that you ought to declare your undying love for her right on the first date.

Just become her friend and someone she feels good hanging out with.

However, don’t allow this period of bonding to last too long because you might easily end up in the friendzone, and if that happens, chances are that you’ll never bring this girl to the bedroom.

2. Flirt with her

Once you see that you’ve managed to gain this girl’s trust, it is about time to start with some concrete action.

You want to show this girl that you’re into her, and you want her to see you as more than a friend, so what better way to start doing it than openly flirting with her?

Before you begin seducing her, you need to know that some women need more time to take the hint that you like them.

Maybe she has some insecurity issues and doesn’t think it is possible that someone would be hitting on her.

Maybe she prefers thinking that nothing is actually happening because she wants to protect herself from falling for you and eventually getting hurt or maybe she simply doesn’t realize your intentions.

Either way, this is where you have to be pretty clear about the direction in which you want your relationship to go.

However, instead of telling her that you like her straightforwardly (because that might scare her off and is usually a big turn off), use your body language signals to show her how attracted you are to her.

You might not know this, but flirting is also a type of foreplay, and it is an introduction to what’s coming next.

Whenever you two go out together, make sure you sit next to each other.

This way, you’ll have a chance to be closer to her and a chance to do something when the timing is right.

Use every opportunity to touch her (but don’t be a creep).

For example, if you see she has something on her face, take it off gently; touch her hand, shoulder or knee when you’re talking to her or touch her hair from time to time.

man touching woman's hair in car

Also, eye contact is crucial. And I’m not talking about only checking out her body.

Whenever you two are talking, make sure you look her straight in the eyes, without ever looking away.

Stare at her lips, and use sexual innuendos because this will be a demonstrator that you want to kiss her badly.

The important thing about this step is for this girl’s body to get used to the presence of your body. She needs to start considering your touch familiar and comfortable.

Also, don’t forget to always make her want more. Don’t flirt with her all the time and with the same intensity.

You can shower her with attention one day, and then act like her friend the next one. Don’t worry, these are not mixed signals and mind games.

It is just a way for her to notice that she misses your touch and realize she enjoys it more than she thought she did.

However, remember to respect her boundaries, and don’t ever do anything you see she is not perfectly OK with.

Observe her reactions carefully, and if you see that she is not running away from you, that she is not moving away whenever you come closer, and that she is not taking your hand off her when you touch her, it is definitely a sign that this girl enjoys being near you, and it is a green light for you to continue flirting.

On the other hand, if you notice that you have zero feedback and that her body language signs are giving you a big, fat ‘no’, it is time to take things more slowly or to give up on her altogether because maybe you don’t want the same things.

3. Be spontaneous

You know why girls like bad boys and never put them in the friend zone? Because they give them the thrill and excitement of the unknown.

Don’t get me wrong—I’m not advising you to instantly become a fuckboy who treats all women around him like crap because that is definitely not the way to any girl.

Don’t be irresponsible and immature when it comes to important life decisions, but when it comes to dating, be spontaneous and forget about planning ahead.

Show her that you didn’t spend your entire day thinking about ways how to approach her because that will only make you look desperate, and it will definitely be counterproductive.

Instead, surprise her with your action, and let her see that you’re doing whatever the hell you want to do in a given moment.

Start with asking her out: instead of announcing your date a few days ahead, just suggest a new activity out of the blue.

Call her and tell her that you were passing by her house, and ask her if she is in the mood for drinks.

At first glance, you might suppose that she will turn you down because she probably already has plans.

However, trust me that she will fit you into her busy schedule if she really likes you because she will be impressed with your bravery and spontaneous behavior.

Besides, she will want to know what you have prepared for her this time because you are obviously a man with whom she could never know what to expect.

Just don’t be predictable, and your confidence will make every girl’s heart tremble.

The same goes with all physical contact. Don’t plan it, and don’t directly ask for her permission to proceed to the next base.

Instead, feel her vibe, focus on the atmosphere of a given situation, and work on your ability to estimate whether it is the right timing to make a move or not, without thinking things thoroughly.

Trust me—the thing that makes every girl crazy for a man is the fact he goes after his instincts and follows his gut.

It shows her that he is a real macho man who has the ability to seduce women in his blood.

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