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The 8 Most Successful How To Make Your Vagina Smell Good, Women Need To Know!!

While many women do not like the smell of their own vagina, the fact of the matter is that a healthy vagina doesn’t smell bad. A healthy vagina naturally contains a wealth of bacteria which keep it in working order and clean, much like your other internal organs. Truly bad vaginal odor is a result of infections or bacterial imbalances and you should see a doctor to solve this problem. Read below for information on keeping your vagina fresh and healthy and smelling normal.
Watch your diet. Your diet can greatly affect your taste and smell. Certain foods tend to affect your body in certain ways, by altering your body’s balance of sugar, bacteria, and chemical compounds. Much like how if you eat a lot of garlic, your skin excretes a garlic smell for several days, you can eat or not eat certain foods to produce a better smell and taste in your vagina.

ou’ll want to start by eating less sugar. A spike in blood sugar can cause yeast infections and buildup, which will cause bad odor.
You may also want to try eating pineapple. Though there is no scientific evidence, many people swear by the idea that pineapple improves both taste and smell for both genders.
Yogurt is considered to be a great way to help women keep a healthy vagina, as it contains the bacteria which naturally occurs in our body to maintain a healthy vagina
Wash regularly. You need to shower and wash yourself regularly to smell good. How often that is will depend on your body because everyone is different. However, you will probably need to wash at least every two or three days. Washing yourself will help combat a buildup of bacteria on the skin, which causes odor just like it does anywhere else on the body.

Use the correct soaps.Yourvagina is very sensitive. Using the wrong types of soap can cause irritation and bad odor. Avoid soaps which are heavily perfumed, contain too many unnatural ingredients, or have antibacterial properties. These upset the natural balance of your body. Instead, use natural soaps which are labeled as being fragrance-free

Wear clean, fresh, correctly fitting underwear. This is a very important part of keeping your vagina clean and healthy. Wearing the same set of underwear for more than 24 hours may quickly create an imbalance of bacteria. You will also want to wear the right type of underwear. Your underwear needs to breathe, since an overly moist environment will cause bacterial buildup. Cotton is best. Make sure you do laundry, it can get messy.

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