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Emma Watson Approved Tips to Boost Your Orgasms

Emma Watson caused quite a stir when during a recent chat with Gloria Steinman about feminism she mentioned the website omgyes.com Well, she didn’t just mention it, tbh, she said she “couldn’t get enough of it”. OMGYES is an instructional website dedicated to helping women get the most out of sex. It is an expensive subscription site, so to save you the cost, here are some of the site’s best orgasm boosting tips.


One of the ways to boost your orgasm is to try accenting. This involves giving equal and individual attention to the different ‘parts’ of your clitoris. Think of it as a clock and make sure that you hit all the hour marks at 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, etc. Studies have proven that the clitoris is more sensitive for different women in different areas, so it’s worth exploring to find out which part gives you the most pleasure!


Signaling is simply the process of telling your partner exactly what you like rather than waiting and hoping that he gets it right. The only way you are going to be able to improve your orgasm is by working together and guiding him in the right direction. Believe me, he wants to pleasure you as much as you want to be pleasured, he’ll be grateful for the feedback!


Orbiting is the term used for the activity of stimulating the clitoris using a steady circular motion. Studies have gone to show that up to 78% of women prefer this kind of circular stimulation to any other. Anything like a circle, an oval or even a figure of eight could get you more excited and produce better orgasms when you perfect the motions.


Edging is the process of bringing yourself, of someone else bringing you, to the point of climax, but then stopping and not letting you go all the way to orgasm. The more you do this, the more skilled you will become at not letting yourself go, and this buildup of pleasure makes for an amazing orgasm when you finally do decide to take it all the way.


Thanks to porn, a lot of couples feel that they have to change positions ten times during one session, but the art of achieving consistency is much more important. By building up pleasure in a repetitive and intense way by finding a position that brings you the most enjoyment, you are going to have a much more satisfying orgasm than having to stop and start again every two minutes.


The art of surprise can be very exciting during sex and can certainly boost the intensity of orgasm. Of course, this doesn’t mean doing something to a partner that they do not necessarily want, but more just switching up things like orbiting, edging, accenting etc. so that they can’t guess what will be coming next and their bodies won’t be able to get in to a comfort zone where they won’t be turned on.

Layering involves stimulating the clitoris not necessarily directly, but rather by stimulating parts of the body around it or even though a layer of clothing. This adds an exciting new dynamic to foreplay and gives a different kind of sensation compared to the more abrupt and fast direct contact. It can often make the experience last longer and therefore intensify an orgasm.

As with all tips to boost your orgasm, it’s a question of experimenting to find what works well for you. It’s fun to try!

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