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🍗 Delicious Oven Fried 🍗 Chicken Recipe🍗

Oven Fried Chicken Recipe

This ōven Fried Chicken tástes like KFC but with á fráctiōn ōf the fát – which meáns yōu cán eát yōur very ōwn báked “fried chicken” whenever-yōu-wánt!!! The chicken is márináted in spiced buttermilk then breáded with flōur, pánkō, cōrnmeál ánd spices then báked in á little butter fōr the BEST Báked ōven Fried Chicken ever!



  • 10 chicken tenderlōins
  • 1 cup buttermilk
  • 1 cup flōur
  • 1 cup pánkō breádcrumbs
  • 1/4 cup fine cōrnmeál
  • 3 táblespōōns unsálted butter

Baca Juga

Spice Mixture

  • 1 táblespōōn sált (it wōn’t táste sálty)
  • 2 teáspōōns chili; pōwder
  • 2 teáspōōns gárlic pōwder;
  • 1 teáspōōn pepper
  • 1 teáspōōn smōked pápriká; (máy sub. regulár)
  • 1 teáspōōn ōniōn pōwder;


  1. Mix Spices tōgether in á smáll seáláble bág. Add 1 táblespōōn Spices, 1 cup buttermilk ánd chicken tō á lárge freezer bág ánd márináte 6-24 hōurs. Stōre remáining spices.
  2. Preheát ōven tō 400 degrees F. Line á rimmed báking; tráy with párchment páper (fōil will NōT wōrk becáuse the chicken sticks tō it). Add butter; tō báking tráy ánd melt in ōven while it preheáts. Remōve báking tráy ōnce butter is melted.
  3. Mix tōgether flōur, pánkō, cōrnmeál ánd remáining spices in á lárge bōwl. Add hálf ōf this breáding mixture tō á lárge freezer bág.
  4. Remōve chicken tenders frōm buttermilk; ánd dáb ōff excess márináde with páper tōwels.
  5. Add hálf ōf the chicken tō the breádcrumb; bág ánd sháke until well cōáted, pressing the breádcrumbs intō the chicken with yōur fingers thrōugh the bág. Láy breáded chicken in butter ōn báking tráy. Add remáining breádcrumb mixture tō bág álōng with remáining chicken ánd repeát.
  6. Báke át 400F degrees fōr 10-12 minutes until gōlden then cárefully flip chicken ánd báke ánōther 5 minutes then brōil tō desired crispiness.;
  7. Serve with yōur fávōrite dipping sáuce. Enjōy!

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